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Win Your Week

The Extraordinary Power Of Scented Candles

The Extraordinary Power Of Scented Candles

Scented candles can induce calm and help to alleviate symptoms of stress, with the ability to lower cortisol. There are many ways to add little luxuries to our lives and ‘treat ourselves’. Today we want to talk about one of our favourite ways to add a little bit of indulgence to our homes and level up our self-care routine. This is by burning scented candles! Recent years have seen candles and scented candles in particular majorly grow in popularity and use and this is for a good reason. Candles have a plethora of uses and benefits.  In this blog post we'll explore some of these helpful, mindful and powerful tips - and hopefully by the end you'll be inspired to WIN YOUR WEEK!

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How To Be More Present & Live In The Moment

How To Be More Present & Live In The Moment

It seems like the years are getting quicker and quicker. While we can’t slow time down, there must be a way to be more in the moment, right? Right! This is where being more present and implementing strategies to be more aware of the current moment can help. But what does this look like in reality? Find out more!

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Best Breathing Exercises To Try: For Stress Relief, Wellbeing & Relaxation | Win Your Week #47

Best Breathing Exercises To Try: For Stress Relief, Wellbeing & Relaxation | Win Your Week #47

If you're looking to practice breathing exercises, here are our top 3. Learn some simple breathing exercises that can help you relieve stress and make you feel less anxious. Read the blog and discover the benefits that breathing exercises can make to your everyday life and morning routine. Find out more!

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Win Your Week #11 - Podcasts

Win Your Week #11 - Podcasts

Podcasts are an awesome way to consume information while multi-tasking. Podcasts cover thousands of different topics and genre's, from comedy to business, there's a channel for everything. They're a great way to learn new things while on the go!

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Win Your Week #10 - Why You Should Read

Win Your Week #10 - Why You Should Read

Reading a book for a short amount of time each day can do wonders for your wellbeing! It is a great way to train your brain and keep switched on. Their are countless health benefits that are often found in people who read regularly.

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Win Your Week #8 - Gratitude

Win Your Week #8 - Gratitude

Gratitude is something that can really be forgotten when trying to practice a healthy lifestyle. Practicing gratitude and reflecting on things you're grateful for can go a long way to improving your overall wellbeing, physically and mentally. Even just showing your gratitude towards other people is a great start!

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