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Win Your Week #11 - Podcasts

Win Your Week #11 - Podcasts


We're back for another Win Your Week!


This edition is going to be about podcasts, and why you should listen to them.


Podcasts are growing at an unbelievable rate, they’re more available and easy to access than ever before!


These days there is literally a podcast for everything and everyone. 


Whether you just want to listen to your favourite person speak, or  you want to learn about something new, they’re an amazing way to absorb information when you’re on the go. 


Sitting down with a hot coffee (with a dash of Cashmere Syrups Caramel) and listening your favourite podcast is a fantastic way to get your brain moving in the mornings!



You’ll expand your horizons! 


Listening to podcasts is an awesome way to learn about something new. 


Experts from millions of different backgrounds now use podcasting to share their insights and experiences in their particular industry.


Imagine having some of the most successful people in your industry willing and waiting to provide you with some of their best tips! 


Or if you’re looking to learn about something new, whether it be from fitness, science, or even cooking, you’ll be able to listen and learn in your spare time. 


Multitasking cuts down on time!

 Most peoples favourite thing abut a podcast is the fact that they can just be consumed with audio. 


There is no need to sit down and watch them like a video or TV. 


You can simply plug in your headphones wherever you are and be listening to your favourite channel/creator. 


While you’re at work, you can be listening to a great story, or even learning something new!  



Listening to a podcast while undertaking mindless activities can be the best way to make something bearable. 


Doing this while doing activities like exercising or folding laundry will also keep you focused on what is being said in the podcast! 


All mainstream news outlets also have their own podcasts where they wrap up all the headlines, so listening to the news without having to sit down and watch it is a great way to save some time! 


So what should you listen to? 


Anything you like! 


If you have an iPhone, head to the podcasts app, and find something you’re interested in! 


Spotify also has a massive range of podcasts which you can browse by genre. 


If you’re looking to learn something new, click on a random genre and find something that looks appealing.


There are plenty of lists and articles on google about the most trending/popular podcasts at the moment, like this list by the Timeout. 


Podcasts are becoming more and more popular,  you will be surprised how much you can learn just by listening to a few! 


If you start listening to them and have a good recommendation, be sure to let us know! 



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